Control system in Robotic Technology , past , now and future .

memory, measurement and control of analog electronic circuits then digital electronic circuits and embedded microcontroller modules embedded with the internet of things; the development of the world of electronics today is a combination of information and communication technology (ICT), an example of the development of the world of robotics where the technology is developing rapidly, in which the technology can be controlled without being limited by space and time, whenever and wherever the robot is controlled with the condition that the communication media is the link. between end users and robots is going well, one of which is the development of the internet of things (IOT), from the IOT concept and integrated electronic control the concepts are created: Smart city, Smart Travel, Smart health, smart energy, smart agriculture and smart office and others. control system and control system is a necessity in today's technological developments, so the ability to build a good control system is very necessary. even though a sophisticated tool if the control is not good will reduce the ability of the electronic device. control analog circuits using analog components such as resistors, inductors, capacitors, transistors, diodes as well as digital circuit components into a digital control accompanied by a basic memory, namely flip flops, can be made, more modern now that control is an embedded system, namely a microcontroller which can be controlled from a short distance and long distance .
microcontroller is one of the control media that is embedded system, to be able to set or control certain devices depending on the analog output. one of the analog outputs used on the microcontroller is Pulse Width modulation (PWM) .
PWM is a way to manipulate the pulse signal width of an electronic wave in a period , to get a different average voltage value . PWM is also used for telecommunications ( data modulation ) , amplifiers ( amplifiers ) , power regulators and also as a voltage regulator . in research PWM is used to control the speed of the motor that is to regulate the flow of current that will flow in the motor. PWM is also one of the techniques for controlling power (Power), which regulates how much voltage is used to send signals or pulses in the form of signals.
To control modern electronic equipment such as robotics, embedded controls such as embedded microcontroller systems are needed, namely a combination of computer hardware and software, either using permanent or programmable capabilities, designed for specific functions or functions in more refined systems. Embedded systems are made for specific orders , for example designs to optimize machines , reduce size or increase work performance . Embedded control describes a part that cannot stand alone in contrast to a digital system designed for general purpose. Embedded systems can store real-time responses and are widely used in digital clock devices such as watches. In general, embedded control systems can be used to control integrated robotics systems because they are embedded and are computing systems, embedded systems have 3 components, namely: 1. have hardware devices, 2. have firmware and software, 3. have operating systems. Systems embedded in simple controls are usually software based, reliable, real time control systems. whereas embedded systems are more extensive and complex augmented by a realtime operating system (RTOS) that oversees the execution software and provides procedures to let the processor run precisely scheduled processes with plans to control latency.
the underlying structure of the embeddwd system: 1. sensors, 2. A/D converters, 3. Processors and ASICs (processors measure and store memory), 4. D/A converters, 5. Actuators.
Installed and integrated robots and computers are embedded systems. many robots are used for operations to help humans in offices, households as well as the military and police, especially now for mining operations, namely protecting humans in dangerous work. Usually the embedded system controls the robot either mechanically constructed to interact with its environment in a purposeful way, controls the sensors to collect data from the environment, and finally controls the embedded system to communicate information between sensors and the mechanical devices that allow the robot to interact properly. . Embedded systems or embedded microcontrollers play an important role in the functioning of every robot.
So in conclusion an embedded system is basically a computer that has been created to solve a specific problem or an intelligent computer to enable the mechanical part of a robot to do its intended job. so engineers can optimize system size and cost allowing embedded systems to find their way into virtually any electronic and robotic device. Some embedded system applications, namely mobile phones, calculators, microwave radar, video games and others.
The embedded system includes microprocessors and microcontrollers that receive digital data as input or machine language with certain algorithms that have been programmed in it, then the digital machine language is translated again into human language with certain codes to be applied to the output of electronic and robotic devices according to their function. Embedded systems are at the root of Robot capabilities. Embedded systems and combined with IoT remote control will be the basis for future applications that will emerge from advances in electronics and robotics. Screenshot_20230112-081226_LinkedIn.jpg

